There are also two methods, first one is very easy and simple but if it's not working then try method number two.
Method No. 1
If it's not working for you then read try the second method.
Method No. 2
1) First of all open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Class > {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}
After you need to delete UpperFilters reg key from the right side.
2) Reboot your computer.
3) Now connect the USB device to your computer and open VirtualBox.
4) From the list select the virtual machine and from top open Settings and go to "USB" menu.
5) Now at right side press on "USB plus" green button and select USB device. Press on OK button and start the virtual machine.
6) Now disconnect USB device. Turn off the virtual machine and completely close VirtualBox.
7) Now connect the USB device and start virtual machine again.
If you are doing right then, USB device should work on your virtual machine.